
Book Information

SourceMelchior Dahrk

Before anything there was Sa’iek the Kraken. Sa’iek had held her breath a long time and couldn’t hold it any longer. She snorted a bubble out of her nostril and gasped for water. The bubble couldn’t hold a simple shape and slid through the ocean at weird angles, this was Gauntue. Where Sa’iek gasped left a current, this was Tpoardy. Gauntue and Tpoardy tried to avoid one another, but now Sa’iek was breathing heavily and the little bubbles and swift currents she created were becoming increasingly difficult to swim around. Just as soon as bubbles would join into something greater, a current would dash it into a million little vesicles. Gauntue was becoming tired of dodging and so he begged Sa’iek to interfere. Sa’iek agreed to help just this once. She plucked thirteen teeth from her mouth and set them in the ocean and when the bubbles avoided them they were able to dodge the voids. This was almost enough for Gauntue, but the other bubbles gurgled that they were dizzy from the dodging. Therefore Gauntue split off a smaller bubble and called it Gaurtiaexlo. Gauntue spun Gaurtiaexlo so fast that he became an egg. And now the lesser bubbles could balance their own movement by his constant shape and rotation. Some were better at the spinning than others and spun names for themselves: Smaalraa, R’x, and Bhaerromal.

But things did not remain stable for long. Tpoardy hated the egg-forms the bubbles had assumed. They were becoming impossible to catch because of Sa’iek’s teeth. Tpoardy’s dark brooding condensed into…