
Book Information

WriterMelchior Dahrk

By Councilor Galeym Ristraro

So you have made it to the Isles of Azura, traveler. Do you seek beauty and truth or power and lies? Ask yourself questions such as this before considering oath with House Azura.

Rules of House Azura

Lady Azura will grant council to all who request it, but the Mother of the Night Sky will not allow dissidents among her faithful. Follow the instructions of your elders, respecting their judgment and their person. Begrudge the sword its drink within the House. Leave no cause for condemnation behind, the Rose Council is just; it will find fault within a fault.

Requirements of House Azura

Bring with you the attribute of the gambler, for the Daedra are ever changing. Not all change is ordered, chaos exists even within structure. Secondly, it would be wise to train your mind and body to endure the greatest of hardships; without endurance one can never hope to overcome the trials of this world.

Respect the greater lessons of Magicka, especially Alteration and Mysticism, through such knowledge one can commune and understand our Lady. Various cultures have diverged and converged in this land of many, speak the speech and walk the path; through this, you will find the rose.