Book Information
Type Name Writer Melchior Dahrk ID az_bk_translation
by Faleno Sorveyn, Scribe
Far from the greed of Imperial conquest and the treachery of oathbreakers, Azura, Lady of the Star, bestowed her inner thoughts on Nirn. From the flower of her mind, sprang a land, The Azurian Isles.
To comprehend her isles one must first hear the story of The Translation. As many are aware, the Daedra by nature and choice are incapable of original creation. Therefore, many wonder at how Lady Azura “created” the Azurian Isles. We could not have known but for a single Chimer. Some say he was her lover; all we know for certain is that Azura took him in Her bosom so that he might see and tell of Her merciful accomplishment. His name is Airan and he described the true tale of The Translation. Listen and realize young ones.
The Translation
As recorded by Elder Airan
“In the Year of Three Moons, Lady Azura descended upon the Padomaic Ocean. Her heart cried out because of Her people’s persecution. They were driven to the edge of the world; forced into hiding. They were slowly losing faith in Her vision. Azura deliberated to shape another land for the few still loyal to Her. Those of her House whom she spared from the curse.
Remember; what the isles were made of was nothing created by Azura’s hands. She moved soil, retrieved seeds, captured young animals; altering everything to reflect Her powerful purpose. But blasphemous creation was not a part of Her isles.
To the east and south of Resdayn, Azura came upon a patch of stilled waters. Finding this region to be suitable, She began to weave Her powerful abilities. With Her hands She drew the first ground from under the sea; shaping dry land. The first isle She called Dawn, because it was the dawn of the year. Azura took great care with Dawn, moving beautiful waterfalls, tranquil gardens, and smooth beaches across its infant surface. When She was finished, Azura could not bear to leave the wondrous isle for its beauty was so great! She resolved to hide away a terrible secret on the isle. Therefore She formed a depraved place underneath the Dawn isle which would repel Her from the island: dark caverns filled with Nirn’s blood, rocky spires, and Daedra from Her direst imaginings. Azura mournfully departed Dawn and proceeded to draw up countless other isles. Everything Azura touched was forever changed; for she was manifested in the world in her full power. The isles reflected Her every whim and trait.
The Lady placed the final touches over the land. It was complete. Beauty and tranquility lay among every grove of palm trees and beyond every mountain peak. Azura fell upon the final isle and rested. Her sleep made it dark. When She awoke, She looked around Her and saw the darkness and called the place Dusk. However, She could not leave such a sad and shadowy place as Her final remembrance of the land. Therefore, She determined to situate a chthonic paradise, where crystalline waters and lush beauty survived by the radiating glory of Her spirit, underneath Dusk. Then the Twilit Lady returned to Moonshadow. And thus were The Azurian Isles prepared.”
Index of References
Year of the Three Moons: Circa 283, it is legendary belief in the Azurian isles that Azura’s Star stood between Masser and Secunda for an entire year, disappearing every month when the moons were fully waned. Then appearing again as they began to wax. The star appeared ten times larger than its appointed size, casting furtive lights across the Padomaic Ocean. During this fabled time it is said that Azura came to Nirn and fashioned the isles in The Translation.