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Rashyon Daga gives you the low down that people have been disappearing (you’ve already heard this from rumors and a few people mentioning it worriedly during the quests like the tomb escort). But Rashyon mentions that he believes there are priests in the Rosery who are involved. But he doesn’t know why. Says that HA Questgiver 1 trusted you and asks if you will help.
Rashyon asks you, as an outsider to do some investigative work for him. Ask people around the temple about the disappearances. Listen for anything suspicious and report back. Most people are just fearful, but a couple people mention a priestess in particular who they say assured them that people were simply leaving the isles because they had been corrupted by western ideals (it’s always those darn westerners!). When you speak to her, she shrugs off the disappearances, saying that they were all traitors. And suggests that you stop asking prying questions.
Rashyon says that what the priestess said isn’t a unique suspicion among the priesthood, but what concerns him is her dismissal of the issue. He says that he will have her watched and asks you to follow another lead in the meantime. There have been more killings in the Underworks. Not ordinary murders (those are common enough down there), but these appear to have involved complete exsanguination such as is common in blood rituals. Rashyon says that several of the victims have already been cremated and he wishes you to convince the families to allow their remains to be interred in the Rosery Catacombs out of respect. You only manage to convince 1 of the families, but you bring the urn back to Rashyon.
Rashyon meets you down in the catacombs at an altar and summons the dead spirit. He cautions you not to mention the spirit’s death directly - lest the spirit be driven mad. You converse with it and learn that although they cannot identify their killer (the moments leading up to death become very blurred due to the trauma for a spirit), they do remember some robed figures passing through the Underworks to the sewers before leaving for work (he’s a sewer scrub). He doesn’t remember anything after going to work in the sewers (where he was later found dead).
Rashyon says that this lines up with some things he learned about the suspicious priestess. He says he has it on good authority that there will be an undocumented meeting of certain Rosery-members in the sewers at a particular time.
The player goes down there and finds the priests beginning a ritual. They all transform into imperfect Nolmer monsters and attack the player. During the ritual, a polylith was summoned in their midst…