Interior claims are managed through the Interior Claims project on GitHub. Each active claim can be clicked on to see more information. A GitHub account is not required, but contributors with an account can be added to the Lyithdonea Organization and formally assigned to interiors they claim.
The claim names are identical to the cell names in
MD_Azurian Isles.esm
The claims page can be filtered by settlement vs. wilderness, status, type, area, or assignee. It can also be changed from tabular format to a kanban board if preferred.
After finding a claim that interests you, submit a message in the #az_interiors
channel of the Lyithdonea Discord server. You will need the latest versions of OAAB_Data and Tamriel_Data in order to create content for Lyithdonea.
Reference the Asset Usage Guidelines for help with what assets to use in Lyithdonea.