Quest Information
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Player has two choices at this point:
- Break the seal themselves
- Loot the ruin beyond for unique artifacts which are otherwise lost. Tons and tons of gold stuff. Like stereotypical treasure room type of thing.
- Player has to fight the Maormer spirits.
- Leave the seal alone
- If they choose to leave it alone then Favel who turns out to be a traitor in the guild who has always been trying to keep bits of treasure for himself rather than storing it in the treasure hall for safekeeping steals the keys and opens the seal to take the treasure for himself.
- The guild supplies you with some unique artifacts from the treasure room which help in the ruins (maybe against traps, or to nullify certain enemies, and maybe they are able to get some of the Cephalomancy spells).
- Player explores the ruin and eventually reaches the lower areas.
- It may still be inhabited by Maormeri Illusionists / Weather Controllers. When they are killed, the fog is lifted from the ruins (change weather command and fog statics lower into the floor). They may have had something to do with the “Moonshade” which concealed Lyithdonea when Akavir invaded Morrowind.
- The Sload “companion” plays a tangential role by popping in now and then before either being left behind or teleporting away.
- The Dreugh are said to live in coral kingdoms. So maybe we could make some more unique coral pieces to build this. I’ve already got quite a bit of coral stuff in the mod resources to help out. But I also like your idea of the stone getting darker and more ominous once you reach the lower areas where the Maormer ruin was built on top of the sunken dreugh city.
- In one of the ancient dreugh caverns; one cell should be called Nacreus Depths. In regards to nacre (mother-of-pearl), nacreus means something pearly or lustrous.
- There are more advanced dreugh creatures in here.
- Note: See them as having darker armor than regular dreughs, with lighter fleshy parts on joints and neck. More unique ones could have armor made of big crustaceans, in dark shades of blue, green, and/or purple shades. Could then have 3 sets of armor: light maormer, medium elder dreugh (darker and more “daedric” than regular dreugh armor), and dreugh(ian?) crustacean from those unique ones that they wear, which would be heavy.
- Player reaches the final chamber with the Elder Dreugh (1 or multiple, idk) and defeats it.
- Probably beats them by mostly mundane means. But open for suggestions.
- This would need to be a unique creature. I am thinking that it would be pretty large. But I am not sure of the design yet…
- The Elder Dreughs are something which, like the Ruddy Man survived in some form from the previous kalpa. Perhaps if it’s just one, it’s the last and greatest surviving Dreugh-King.