
Ouag Tong, TBD


Ouashallath Island, TBD






detection spellsYes, like I said, the Ouag Tong have perfected a specialized spell of detection. They use this technique to determine where possible finds might lay. Let me explain how it works, visually.
detection spellschoice == 1The spell is called Detect Other, it functions similar to the Detect Life incantation. When the spell is cast, it will detect any objects unnaturally under the water which are nearby the caster. That is, any objects fashioned by mortal or daedric means will be observable by the user due to the spell’s effects. Any object which is detected by the spell will emit a magicka spray visible to the caster.
dreughThe ancestors of the dreugh did not keep written records. Therefore it is difficult to confirm their cultural background.
Ouag TongTranslated, Ouag Tong means the Swimmer Guild. As far as a nonmember can know, they are a guild of divers. Searching for sunken treasure and gathering the ocean’s bounty. They surround their activities with an air of religious mysticism, claiming to be the protectors of the sea. But I think they’re just in it for the loot.
SlaughtersharksThe seas of Lyithdonea are treacherous, %PCName. But the most deadly of the water’s inhabitants are the Slaughtersharks. Swift, efficient, and lethal, these hunters will come at the slightest scent of flesh in their territory; though they are less aggressive against sea-creatures.
The SlaughterdeathQuestgiverI suppose, that topic does merit explanation. The Slaughterdeath is the sentence placed on those who violate the Ouag Tong customs.
The SlaughterdeathQuestgiver, Choice == 1I am not sure that you should know of it. Alas, I am too tired to argue the point. Very well, listen closely for I will not repeat myself. When a brother commits a crime against the Ouakam, they are stripped of their possessions, clasped in enchanted irons, and cast into a pool teeming with Slaughtersharks and Slaughterfish. At the bottom of the reservoir, there is a key and a club made of stone. If the offender can reach the weapon and kill off the beasts then they are permitted to escape through the locked opening by way of the key. Though they have survived they are seldom readmitted into the Tong. Don’t place yourself in that position.