
Quest Information

FactionOuag Tong

Investigate a report of a giant creature floating near the Eastern Lighthouse.

  • Turns out this is a renegade sload who is more interested in adventure than controlling the undead. He says there is an ancient Sload Prophecy which speaks of a kalpic cycle repeating itself if certain conditions are met. This could lead to a reawakening of ancient, profane power once controlled by the dreugh in the previous kalpa which they used to rule the world. He has tracked forks in the prophetic line and interviews with Maormer Mystics which led him to this place. But now he’s gotten cold feet and is looking for someone to help him investigate his discovery.
  • Sload sends the player to retrieve a Maormeri artifact from a pirate base.
  • Find the 1st treasure map there.
  • The sload meets them back at the guildhall (sloads do prefer teleportation after all due to their immense girth).
  • But the player is sent to the next duty while another guild member is sent to follow the lead on the map. Let’s call this guy Favel.