Book Information
Type Name Writer Melchior Dahrk ID az_bk_thenautican
Ouashok, friend. Welcome to the Nautican.
Historians will say that time hides all things. But what is time to the Ocean? What is hidden by sea-sand that cannot again be uncovered? The currents of the Ocean flow upward, downward, forward, backward, and sideward. Just so is time boundless in the realm of Grandfather Ocean. The shifting sea-sand hides a multitude of secrets in her salty bosom. These trinkets of uncovery hold truths of the past, guiding us here in the future. We live in yestermorrow, watching the tides roll in.
The past is foreknowledge,
Foreknowledge is power,
Power needs guardians.
So you seek to join the Ouag Tong? To achieve your aim you must follow the sodden trail to reach the unsullied white beach. Purity comes from the water blessing, Ouashok! Follow the path to bathe in waters of knowledge.
Hold! What impure thing can find that which is pure? Tarry a while longer novitiate, that you would see the beginning to find the end. The end can only be found if one understands how to begin.
Sand is the skin which covers the lost.
Grandfather Ocean is the transceiver of time.
If time can shift the world, then the Ouag Tong can steady it.
Grandfather Ocean is the father of all. All at once and not yet.
The sea produces wares more valuable than any spirit or beast has left behind.
The thing searched for will be found when the searcher knows what they seek.
Dry land is the rich-home and fast-frozen, yield not to its corruption and staticity.
The uncoverer is responsible for the uncovered. Recklessness earns the Slaughterdeath.
Grandfather Ocean is the guardian of time’s spoils, moving currents over the sand skin.
The slaying of a brother is the most abhorrent of all crimes, let thyself not know of it!
Respect the water-beasts. Greater distress should flow from ominous uncoveries.
The ancients left reminders to guide our paths away from torrential currents.
The wise move across the current and find what the sea cannot cover.
Learn the water-breath, Grandfather Ocean claims the unready.
Grandfather Ocean bequeaths us the water-beasts.
Listen, listen to the sea. Speak, Speak to the sea.
Water is the life-giver. Water is the life-taker.
Hear the waves roll? Let them cleanse your mind of the rich-home. Only the pure can attend the Invocation of Currents. Allow yourself to be among those who come to the sea and encounter the manifold Ouashok awaiting the Ocean’s guardians.
Ouashok, we shall welcome you soon.