Book Information
Type Name Writer Melchior Dahrk ID az_bk_thehlamolaencounter
By Jehstis Uvare
After Lady Azura moved the isles into being and had rested a while in the Shadow of the Moon, she returned again to Nirn. She came this time to gather her faithful and take them to her isles. Those of the priestly House Azura were quick to answer her summons. For their kinsmen had begun to resent Azura for the curse they had been bestowed. Therefore it was that the Lady led all of House Azura across the sea to their new home.
One challenge lay before them, hindering their entrance to the promised land: the isles had not remained dormant during Azura’s absence. When they arrived in the isles, they found that it had been occupied by a clan of Maormer pirates. Although the brigands were comparatively smaller in number, House Azura had not been prepared for an assault on their arrival. The House Azuran Warmaster and his counsel reasoned that the pirates must have sailed around Argonia from Pyandonea; because they had Argonian slaves with them, which seemed to be used as religious icons for sacrifice.
By the Lady’s grace, the heathens had been taken by surprise in the midst of their occult ceremonies. Regardless, the ensuing battle pressed on for seven months, rooting out every last pirate hovel and rowboat. Most of the fighting took place on the open sea leading many Azurans to complain that they were simply “winning the water” rather than the isles themselves. This mentality is why the war came to be known as The Hlamola Encounter; translated as The “Small War” Encounter.
The House took many exotic spoils from the series of short skirmishes. However there are two which visitors to the islands may notice most quickly. Travelling in the isles one will undoubtedly encounter the secondary name for The Azurian Isles: Lyithdonea. House Azuran soldiers often overheard the brigand Maormer referring to the isles as “Lyithdonea” and the name stuck as the crews on Azuran Warships began shouting “Leave Lyithdonea!” As Maormeri ships were captured, the Dunmer encountered another treasure which was incorporated into the military and high society: The Seeing Stones. Azuran housemen discovered these mysterious gems mounted in hollow tubes on Maormer vessels. They quickly discovered that when they looked through the stones they could see ten times further than with their own eyes! They knew that the military and cosmological applications could be significant for such a discovery.