
Book Information

WriterMelchior Dahrk

by High Priestess Anuala Dramuhn 3E 336

Dear Faithful, Azura willing the reading of this text will edify you in the knowledge of Our Lady and Her Sacred Azuran Rosery. Through practice and studying, greater blessings may be granted to the Holy Proselyte.


The entirety of House Azura is founded on the worship of our awesome Mother. We the Rosery are the embodiment and structure of that worship. Through time, our adoration of the Queen of the Night Sky has progressed to form the Sacred Azuran Rosery. But this was not always as we have been known.

During the Velothi Exodus, we the Changed Folk were joined in veneration for our champions: the Lords Azura, Boethiah and Mephala. Azura was the force of change for our people. She lent us her strength to stay on the blessed path; which led away from the secular Aldmer who had abandoned our true Ancestors. At this time of listening and following, we all were equal partakers of Azura’s insight. She was with us and among us, easily passing through the unsteady borders between mundus and Oblivion.

After many years of crossing Dawn’s Beauty, we finally reached the promised land: Veloth. The ambition of the Daedric Princes was fulfilled, and we were separated from the blasphemous elven remnants. Centuries of teaching from the Daedra and the diversity of our new land gradually disseminated the Chimer into distinct groups; embracing a nomadic lifestyle. We emerged as Great Houses and the priestly Waiting Houses. The Azuran Rosery was founded with the emergence of Waiting House Azura. The priests of these Waiting Houses could be compared to warlocks and witches. They did not fully understand how far the Lords of Oblivion’s powers extended. Only beseeching their favor to the point they knew was possible. They nurtured friendly relations with their patrons as grovelling subjects rather than the filial intimacy we enjoy with Our Lady today.

When Azura cursed the Chimer and the Tribunal ascended to demigods, daedra worship began to fall out of favor among the newly emerged Dunmeri culture. House Azura was still primarily a purely religious House, with no form of government outside of its own simple hierarchy (which at the time consisted only of a High Priestess and subordinate Priests and Priestesses). However, after the Translation and the Second Exodus, autonomy was forced upon the House and great changes were required. It was deemed necessary that the priestly duties of the House must be complemented by an administrative and governmental extension. In the face of these new challenges, the basis for the Sacred Azuran Rosery and the House Azuran Government was outlined. Although certain critical additions to the Rosery have been added throughout the millennia (such as the Jealous Branch), the principal qualities laid out by our forefathers have been preserved. The exact nature of this branching will be discussed in the next section of this text.


The ranks within the Azuran Rosery have become broader than envisioned by our ancestors; but it is still nearly as simple as it was in the beginning. The Rosery is still headed by the High Priestess, who directly communes with Lady Azura on a daily basis. Discerning the will and advice of our Mother, is the High Priestess’s primary goal. She is the eyes, ears, and mouth of Azura within the House. Although the High Priestess is nearly always a woman, there have been instances of a man being selected by Azura to the position. The secondary role of a High Priestess is to settle disputes and make decisions which are above the authority of the Elders to decide. Occasionally, Azura does not answer a summons or through Her infinite wisdom she will not answer a question directly. At these times it is necessary for the High Priestess to practice Divination to discern the course the Rosery will take. She may also take council with the Circle of Prophets on decisions with far-reaching effects. The High Priestess acts as the First Advisor to the Magnate of House Azura. The Queen of Dawn and Dusk lends advice to the Magnate through the High Priestess, and they would be wise to listen. However, the Magnate is not legally bound to follow the direction suggested by the Rosery. As can be found in the multifaceted history of our House, such deviations from Her Sacred Will often lead House Azura to anguish. But such discussions are for another time; let us move on to the other positions in the Azuran Rosery.

The second most respectable position in the Rosery is that of the Prophet. On Hogithum, the Prophets are tasked with assisting in the summoning of Azura within the sanctuary (only prominent Rosery members are permitted to attend the Invocation of Azura). Prophets will also perform minor summons when required. While the High Priestess is an adept diviner, the Prophets are apprentices in the art of divination. Their ability often requires them to serve as advisors to the High Priestess when a course of action is difficult to discern from Azura. Aside from these tasks, the Prophets carry little actual responsibility in the Rosery other than to perform tasks for the High Priestess. Thus, the Prophets are often trained in both defensive and offensive magicks in order to safely and successfully complete their holy quests.

Departing from the priestly duties of the High Priestess and Prophets, the Elders of the Rosery conduct the complex workings of the Benediction Branch. The exact functions of this branch will be discussed in a later section. In short, the Elders oversee the flow of tithes and offerings through the Rosery, minister to the public through services, and upkeep the High Rosery grounds. Deacons serve as assistants to the Elders. Their function is simply to do the chores below the station of an Elder. These tasks range from simple retrievals, to visitations, to filing reports. The second of three primary branches of the Rosery is the Jealous Branch which is headed by the Pedant. The Pedant is the Serjo Librarian, the Keeper of Terrible Knowledge. In the Chapterhouses of the Jealous Branch are held all the sacred knowledge of our faith and Queen. Thus the Pedant is also the Holy Arbiter, the Archmagistrate. His is to judge and to deem worthy and unworthy of association with our Mother of the Rose. The Erudites are subservient to the Pedant. They are the agents and attendants of the Jealous Branch. The Erudites can be split into two separate Arms: The Refulgent Erudites and the Enunciate Erudites. Visitors to the High Rosery District of Azura City will most readily see Refulgent Erudites, whose most common function is that of guardians. Arrayed in daedric armor of astonishing design, the Refulgents are not a sight to be ignored or disregarded. The purpose of the Enunciate Erudite Arm is the wardship of the Sacred, Secular, and Profane Writ and other protected articles; they may be found most often within the Jealous Branch’s Chapterhouse, the Columnus.

Now we come to one of the most prominent, yet contrite, of the Roserian roles. The Priest of the Admonition Branch. In order for any religious institution to function properly, even one founded on the worship of the protean Daedra, the people must be educated and constantly reminded of their Lord’s Grace and Power. This is the principle of the Priests and Priestesses of our faith. They instruct the House in the will of our Queen of Dawn and Dusk and promote the counsel and veneration of our Ancestors under the guidance of the High Priestess and the Prophets. When they are not counseling with the Prophets on what topics to preach on, the Priests will often answer questions from the Faithful or visit throughout the city to spread the goodwill of our Lady Azura. Priests must attend to public affairs and dabble very little in the background work which must be carried out for their role to function smoothly. Therefore, they are often appointed a Confessor to assist them in their priestly duties. The Rosery often has new members which wish to aid in its workings. Known as Proselytes, these zealots carry little more than a namesake, but are blessed with the benefits which flow from service to the Our Lady in the Admonition Branch of the Rosery.


Our faith lies first in our Lord and Lady Azura and second in the wisdom of our Ancestors. Oftentimes it is difficult to explain this twofold relationship to laymen. Regardless, I will attempt it here. Pay careful attention to the teaching of these words, Proselyte; for they can only be understood by introspection, longsuffering obedience, and communication with our Mother.

Lady Azura taught us how to be different from the Aldmer and then from our Dunmer kin, She is our ultimate guide and companion. Through Her wisdom we are able to see that distinguishing left and right, good and bad, and black and white are not what matter; rather, Azura would have us focus on the transition between dimensions. Only by identifying that infinite moment of change can we understand the mechanisms of the universe we inhabit this small portion of. And only by questioning identity can our true self be released from its bondage. Azura is not our Ancestor; she must balance the staticity of our Ancestors through the energy of transition. Ancestors cultivate stasis to bestow a rocky foundation to mortals. Stasis is the brand of the Ancestors for they are incapable of learning, incapable of changing, incapable of becoming new. They are the wise counselors of our present, for they were the pupils of the past. Pass through the past, through the gates of Moonshadow. Only then can you combat the woes of the present. Therefore the simplicity of it is this: Azura is the ripple in the vastness of the otherwise static Ocean. This ripple may grow into a titanic wave of unstoppable force. Azura is the power which allows us to see and most importantly influence the ripples. And through her whispering wind She teaches us how to listen to the Waves and the Water.


Priests lead the worship of House Azura and the Azuran Rosery. Services are held sporadically, in accordance with the Lady’s whims. But the announcement of a Service is known by the tolling of the bejeweled Bading Bells.


The functions of the Rosery are manifold. First let us distinguish the Branches: The Benediction Branch, the Jealous Branch, and the Admonition Branch. Each of these branches carry out a completely separate function within the Rosery.

The Admonition Branch is tasked with the instruction of House Azura on the will of our Moonshadowed Queen. This branch includes the Confessors, Priests, Prophets, and the High Priestess. Other functions of this branch include visiting the city populace, missions to the Ouamer, conducting of Burial and Ancestral Rites, summoning of Azura’s Twilights, and other functions related to these mentioned.

The Jealous Branch is split by the duality of two Arms. Much of this has been described above in the section on the Pedant and his Erudites. However, it will be clarified here as well. The Refulgent Erudites serve as guardians to the Rosery by protecting from irreligious vandals and aiding in the guidance of proselytes; if not in words (as their vocabulary is frequently difficult for the layman to comprehend), then in manner. The Enunciate Erudites as mentioned above are the Chapterhouse Custodians. Organization and indoctrination are their function. The last operation of the Jealous Branch is that of justice. The Pedant is the scholar-judge of the Presbytery, and thus internal trials are held under his jurisdiction and in the presence of the prophets.

The final and most complex branch is the Benediction Branch. This segment of Roserian hierarchy includes the Elders and Deacons. These faithful men and women are the Rosery’s accountants and scribes. Tithes and offerings are tracked and held under direction from the Elder of Alms. Upkeep of High Rosery property is overseen by the Elder of the Grounds and his Deacons. The Elder of Charity doles out gifts, extends blessing and healing, and supervises preparation for Holy Days. Finally, the Benediction Branch oversees supplies. This includes food, clothing, handbooks, armaments, apparatus, and so forth. This function is administered by the Elder of the Aggregate.

Holy Days

Here I will record the complete listing of Holy Days observed by the Azuran Rosery and House Azura.

Hogithum, 21st of First Seed: This is the summoning day of Azura, when Our Lady is conjured for her support and guidance. Although only high-ranking Presbytery members are permitted to attend the ritual summoning, Hogithum is still by far the most celebrated day in the Azurian Isles. The remainder of Lyithdonea revels in games, spectacles, and feasting.
Ashdawn, 4th of Hearth Fire: A bittersweet holiday, Ashdawn represents the day when Azura cursed the Dunmer people due to the murderous dealings of the Tribunal. On this day, ashes are spread across rooftops and allowed to blow away in the wind, symbolizing the coming of the Nerevarine. [amendment 3E427 Sun’s Dusk: Azura has suspended the celebration of this Holy Day, her reasons unapparent].

Nifidas, 18th Rain’s Hand: Nifidas commemorates Azura’s Translation of the Azurian Isles. The holiday is celebrated with much vivacity and the Azuran Rosery often employs Alteration Mages in performing spectacles for the entertainment of the House. The Day of Taking, 11th Second Seed: The Azurian Isles celebrate the defeat of the Maormeri Pirates in the Hlamola Encounter during The Day of Taking.

Amultide, 1st Sun’s Height: Although not as favorable in Rosery circles, Amultide is still recognized by the Rosery as a holiday. Amultide memorializes the Golden Age of Lyithdonea which was instigated by Magnate Amul Fedrose. This holiday is marked by extensive feasts, cuts on merchant prices, and free Rosery services.

This is nearly the complete list since very few Tamrielic Holidays are recognized in Lyithdonea.


The greatest requirement to join the Azuran Rosery is that the Proselyte must foster a profound desire to shake off mortal inhibitions and willingness to heed wise counsel. With time, a deep respect for Our Lady’s mystery will blossom like a cultivated rose. Beyond that, the Rosery seeks devotees whose minds can comprehend the wiles of Azura. And who possess a charismatic flair with which to communicate with mortals, ancestral spirits, and daedra.
Although not required to join, it will aid in the advancement of the Proselyte to be skilled in the conjuration of spirits and daedra. Additionally, ability to craft speech is required for all walks within the Rosery. Finally, the magickal disciplines of Mysticism, Alteration, and Enchanting are valuable to aid in the execution of quests, learning of Divination principles, and comprehension of the ever-changing power and will of Azura.

May Azura guide you with her moonlit palm.
High Priestess Anuala Dramuhn