The content of the Lyithdonea Wiki is licensed freely under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License (also called the by-sa license). This means that you retain ownership of any contribution you submit to us, but you permanently license the right to use it to this site. The by-sa license is a copyleft license, meaning the text of the articles can be copied, modified, and redistributed as long as the new version acknowledges the authors of the article and grants the same freedoms to others.

Links to our licenses:


There are many aspects of the ownership of the site:

  • The site itself is owned and operated by Melchior Dahrk.
  • The software that the site uses, Quartz 4.0, is owned by Jacky Zhao.
  • The Elder Scrolls, Arena, Daggerfall, Redguard, Battlespire, Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Stormhold, Dawnstar, Shadowkey, Oblivion, Shivering Isles, Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn, Elder Scrolls Online, Bethesda Softworks, Vir2L, ZeniMax Online Studios, ZeniMax and their respective logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc.

Using Materials from the Lyithdonea Wiki

If you want to use content from this site, you can do so, but you must follow the by-sa license. This entails the following:

  • Your materials in turn must be licensed under our by-sa license.
  • You must give attribution to the article from which the content was taken.
  • You must give access to the page where the content was used.

You may fulfill the last two obligations by directly linking back to the article hosted on the site as well as the history page of the article. For example, if you were to use the article “House Azura” from our site, an example notice might read as follows:

This article is licensed under the <a href="">​Creative Commons by-sa license</a>. It uses material from the Lyithdonea Wiki article <a href="">​"House Azura"</a>.

In the event that you find a page or site where the above steps have not been taken, please post something in the Lyithdonea Discord server to let us know of the situation, even if it has already been resolved.