Before the Battle of Red Mountain, when the Chimer of Morrowind were turned into Dunmer, there were groups of Chimer who left Morrowind. These groups include the Chimeri-quey of Cathnoquey and the Azurian Chimer of Lyithdonea.

Many of the Azurian Chimer alive today believe they still have golden skin because Azura spared them from the Dunmer curse due to their devotion to her. A more metaphysical explanation may be that when the Chimer of Morrowind took control of Red Mountain it transformed their appearance to be something suited to the land they claimed. Some environmental changes may have occurred in Morrowind at this time as well when the the environs surrounding Red Mountain transferred from the Dwemer to the Chimer.

However, groups like the Chimeri-quey and the Azurian Chimer did not recognize Morrowind as their homeland and so were not affected by the curse/change. They believed that the prophet Veloth was leading them further East.


Language of the Chimer. Chimeri is very similar to Dunmeri. Sharing many words. The Lyithdonea dialect merges many daedric words into their naming conventions.



Under the Rosebasically means secrecy or confidentiality. Use in a sentence could be: “what I tell you now is under the rose” or “keep this under the rose, friend”