The Nolmer or “Void Elves” are beings created by Aesmandroth. They were originally created by merging a mortal soul with a daedric animus. This effectively made this new race undying but still vulnerable to death by violence. Part of the metaphysical nature of this process abolished the mortal link to the dreamsleeve process of soul recycling. The removal of this anchor and the unnatural process of a daedric soul passing through the lunar lattice into Oblivion after death drove many of the Nolmer mad. They become violent monsters. But some had the willpower to withstand the process and became the pure Nolmer. Aesmandroth used himself as a temporary anchor for their souls but hopes to transform himself into an earthbone so that the Nolmer could be forever bound to the mortal plane, never losing their identity in the dreamsleeve.
“Nolmer, elves of the void. The progeny of resentment and hope. Padomaic blood runs fierce through their veins, springing forth in fits of immortal rapture. Sixteen Lords of Oblivion. Infinite possibility. Dusk is coming, who can last the plunging darkness?”
- Author unknown
When a finite mortal soul is sacrificed and subjected to the process to create a Nolmer, it is pulled through gaps in the lunar lattice like threading a needle leaving it completely unraveled. To join the infinity of Oblivion, the soul must be transformed into something infinite but corporeal. So the process connects the ends of their souls into circles or moebius strips - making them effectively “infinite”. The effect this has on the soul is to make it effectively “self-anchoring”. Whereas mortal souls are tied to Mundus and the Dreamsleeve and daedric animus are tied to Oblivion, a Nolmer’s soul is tied to their own perfect sense of self: I AM I.
“…believe they are powerful artifacts, enchanted with the souls of wayward magna ge. Few Nolmer possess a k’kelli mask. Those who do command positions of honor, controlling ancient… star magic!”
- Charred Note, Boethian Mountains
One side effect of this is that, as a “mortal”, they are intrinsically tied to the concept of birth and genealogy. This process does not break that link, instead it fuses it back upon themselves where now they are constantly in the metaphysical process of giving birth to themselves. Their own mother and daughter for eternity. This trait gives the Nolmer a tendency to repeat patterns frequently.
Nolmer are powerful beings who will never die from disease or age. While difficult to do so, they can be killed, and once killed there is no returning for them. No afterlife. They have no existence beyond themselves.