Every place has its lowliest of inhabitants, even Oblivion. Wandering the shifting voidstreams of the darkness, are a band of et’Ada known as the Chthonachs, possible brethren of the more notable Atronachs; though they seem to be more aligned with Jyggalag’s Knights of Order, due to their lack of creativity or independence. They have no home. For their baseness, vengefulness, and seemingly uselessness they have been cast out from every realm of Oblivion. They could find no master who complemented their nature, not even Malacath, the Pariah Lord would accept them. Aesmandroth caused his realm to easily permit access to wayward daedra. This is his way, to bring in the outcasts. Thus the Chthonachs began to trickle into his realm, accumulating in greater and greater numbers. Lord Aesmandroth was finally the master who understood their pain, their anger. In truth, the Chthonachs, are little more than vessels of simple feelings. Intellect is not within their capabilities. They are the embodiment of certain emotions within a hulk of rock and metal.